Pablo de Felipe
Lecturer in Science and Faith
Actually, Genesis 1 prepared the way for our age by its own program of demythologizing. By purging the cosmic order of all gods and goddesses, the Genesis creation account “de-divinized” nature. The universe has no divine regions or beings who need to be feared or placated. Israel’s intensely monotheistic faith thoroughly demythologized the natural world, making way for a science that can probe and study every part of the universe without fearing either trespass or retribution.
(Charles E. Hummel. The Galileo Connection: resolving conflicts between science & the Bible. I.V.P., Downers Grove, Illinois, U.S.A., 1986, p. 218.)
The concept of exact mathematical laws of nature which was only dimly present in Greek thought gained far greater convincing power by means of the Christian concept of creation. Thus I think it is a gift of Christianity to the modern mind. Now we see how this inherited gift is used against the religion whence it came. And this killing of one’s own parent by the weapon inherited from him becomes more and more naive. Kepler was a sincere Christian who adored God in the mathematical order of the world. Galileo, and even more Newton, being a more religious man, were sincere Christians who were interested in God’s work. […] it will be good to see that the tree on which this now floating seed of modern science has grown was Christianity; that it was a sort of Christian radicalism which transformed nature from the house of gods into the realm of law.
(C. F. von Weizsäcker. The Relevance of Science. Collins, London, UK, 1964, pp. 120-121)
Academic education
- PhD student in Classics (University of Reading, 2014-).
- PhD in Chemical Sciences/Molecular Biology (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2000).
- Course for Teaching at Secondary Schools (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1999).
- Licenciate (MSc) in Chemical Sciences (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 1994).
Academic background
- Lecturer in Science and Faith (SEUT School of Theology, Fundación Federico Fliedner, 2016).
- Co-ordinator of the Centre for Science & Faith (SEUT School of Theology, Fundación Federico Fliedner, 2008-).
- Voluntary visiting lecturer in Science and Faith (SEUT School of Theology, Fundación Federico Fliedner, 1996-2016).
Profesional experience
- Expert on biotechnology and advanced therapies at Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Madrid, 2008-2016, on leave).
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow (University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom, 2001-2008).
Science and Faith activities
- Receptor of a donation from the Templeton World Charity Foundation (2016-2017).
- Principal investigator of the project "La Evolución de Dios / God's Evolution" (2013-2015), funded by the BioLogos Fundation (Evolution and Christian Faith Grants Program).
- Co-organiser of the Ibero-American Meeting of Science and Faith. Mexico City (2015, Sep. 30th to Oct. 2nd).
- Co-editor of the Blog Naturaleza y Trascendencia in the web Razón y Pensamiento Cristiano (Chile, 2014-).
- Leader of the Spanish translation of Test of Faith/La fe a examen resources as part of a Faraday Institute for Science and Religion project, funded by Templeton World Charity Foundation (2012-2015).
- Editor of the colection Ciencia y Fe of the publisher Fliedner Ediciones (2011-).
- Founding President of Cristianos en Ciencias (science group of Grupos Bíblicos de Graduados-GBG, Spain, 2010-2015).
- Editor of the blog Tubo de Ensayo in the online magazine Protestante Digital (Spain, 2008-), where he frequently writes.
- Collaboration with Grupos Bíblicos Universitarios-GBU and Grupos Bíblicos de Graduados-GBG (1990-2000, Spanish student and postgraduate groups associated with IFES-International Fellowship of Evangelical Students).
Research areas
- Science and Theology
- Christian receptions of evolutionary theories.
- Current ideas on evolution, in particular in genetic/genomic.
- Education in science and religion (in particular in secondary school and pre-university education).
- The life and work of Georges Lemaître and the early history of the Big Bang theory.
- Historical connections between science and Christianity, in particular the history of cosmological ideas: cosmological debates in ancient and medieval Christianity and during the early modern geographical exploration.
- Early Christian apologetic strategies.
- Biomedicine/genetics
- Gene therapy.
- Mobile elements and evolution.
- Pharmaceutical regulation of biotechnological medicines.
- Member of Red Iberoamericana de Ciencia y Fe (Internacional)
- Associate member of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion (University of Cambridge, UK).
- Member of Christians in Science (UK).
- Member of Cristianos en Ciencias (España).
- Member of Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (España)
- Member of the First Baptist Church of Madrid (España)
Science and Faith Publications (not including the frequent activity in the blog Tubo de Ensayo since 2008 and the newspaper Puerta Abierta since 2016)
- Fuente, E. Riaza, D. Casado, T. Manzaneque, A. Bret, D. Fernández & P. de Felipe. "Engaging Students in Science and Faith at the Fliedner Schools in Madrid". In: B. Billingsley, K. Chappell & M. Reiss (Eds.). Science and Religion in Education. Springer (2018, in press).
- P. de Felipe. "El mito moderno de la Tierra plana del cristianismo medieval y su uso en el modelo actual de conflicto ciencia y fe". In: M. D. Morales (Ed.). Memorias del Encuentro Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Fe. Fliedner Ediciones (Madrid, 2018, in press).
- P. de Felipe. "Glaubte man im Mittelalter, die Erde sei flach? Mythos und Wirklichkeit." In: A. Losch & F. Vogelsang (Eds.). Die Vermessung der Welt und die Frage nach Gott. Theologie und Naturwissenschaften im Dialog 2. Evangelische Akademie im Rheinland (Bonn, 2017, in press).
- P. de Felipe & M. A. Jeeves (2017). Science and Christianity Conflicts: Real and Contrived. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 69:131-147.
- P. de Felipe (2017). Georges Lemaître, the Scientist and Priest who "Could Conceive the Beginning of the Universe." BioLogos blog. August 23rd.
- P. de Felipe & J. M. Caamaño (2017). "Presentación de la edición en lengua española" in the Spanish edition of the book by R. Wagner & A. Briggs. La curiosidad penúltima. La ciencia, en la estela de las preguntas últimas. Sal Terrae, Fliedner Ediciones & Universidad de Comillas, Santander, Madrid & Madrid.
- P. de Felipe (2017). The modern myth of the medieval flat earth. Dialog Theologie & Naturwissenschaften web of the Evangelische Akademie in Rheinland. There is a German version: Glaubte man im Mittelalter, die Erde sei flach? Mythos und Wirklichkeit.
- E. Riaza & P. de Felipe (2016). Gorges Lemaître: la armonía entre ciencia y fe. Scientia et Fides 4:357-371.
- P. de Felipe (2016). ¿Qué tiene que ver la creación con el Big Bang? Part II. Razón y Pensamiento Cristiano, blog Naturaleza y Trascedencia. November 3rd.
- P. de Felipe (2016). ¿Qué tiene que ver la creación con el Big Bang? Part I. Razón y Pensamiento Cristiano, blog Naturaleza y Trascendencia. October 6th.
- P. de Felipe & J. M. Caamaño (2016). "Presentación de la edición en lengua española" in the Spanish edition of the book by J. H. Brooke. Ciencia y religión. Perspectivas históricas. Sal Terrae & Universidad de Comillas, Santander & Madrid. This text was republished as "Del conflicto a la complejidad en la relación entre ciencia y religión: John H. Brooke." Blog Fronteras CTR. January 12th 2017.
- P. de Felipe & M. D. Morales (2016). Reporte del encuentro iberoamericano de ciencia y fe "Nuevas voces en el discurso académico internacional" - México, 2015. Quaerentibus 6:69-78.
- P. de Felipe (2015). Biología evolutiva y convergencia. Razón y Pensamiento Cristiano, blog Naturaleza y Trascendencia. December 3rd.
- P. de Felipe (2015). Evolution on Purpose: The Inevitability of Intelligent Life? BioLogos blog. Octubre 27th.
- P. de Felipe, P. Bourdon & Eduardo Riaza (2015). Georges Lemaître's 1936 Lecture on Science and Faith. Science and Christian Belief 27:154-179.
- P. de Felipe (2013). I am BioLogos: Pablo de Felipe. BioLogos blog. December 27th.
- P. de Felipe y R. D. Keay (2013). Science and Faith Issues in Ancient and Medieval Christianity, Parts 1, 2 & 3. BioLogos blog. December 2nd, 3rd & 4th.
- P. de Felipe (2012). "The Antipodeans and Science-Faith Relations: The rise, Fall and Vindication of Augustine." In: K. Pollmann and M. J. Gill. (eds.). Augustine beyond the Book: Intermediality, Transmediality, and Reception. Brill, Leiden, pp. 281-311.
- P. de Felipe & D. Andreu (2012). Adán y Eva en la era de la genómica. Alétheia 41:7-10.
- P. de Felipe, editor (2012). Science and Faith in Dialague: Faraday Papers (Volume II) – Ciencia y Fe en Diálogo: Documentos Faraday (Volumen II). Bilingual edition. Fliedner Ediciones, Madrid.
- E. Riaza y P. de Felipe (2011). Georges Lemaître. Ciencia y fe: dos caminos para llegar a la verdad. Palabra 578:58-62. Republished on line in Protestante Digital, blog Tubo de Ensayo. December 18th.
- P. de Felipe, editor (2011). Science and Faith in Dialague: Faraday Papers (Volume I) – Ciencia y Fe en Diálogo: Documentos Faraday (Volumen I). Bilingual edition. Fliedner Ediciones, Madrid.
- P. de Felipe (2010). Malcolm Jeeves’ visit to Spain. PréCiS 50:4.
- P. de Felipe (2010). "Diseño inteligente y alternativas apologéticas en las ciencias". In: E. Buch, F. Ramos, P. de Felipe & C. Vidal. Temas apologéticos de hoy. Básicos Andamio. Publicaciones Andamio, Barcelona.
- P. de Felipe (2009). La evolución y Darwin, 150 años después… Síntesis 31:8-20.
- P. de Felipe (2009). Selección Bibliográfica: Darwin y las teorías evolucionistas. Síntesis 31:21-24.
- Entrevista a P. de Felipe by Joel Forster (2009). Los cristianos y la ciencia, una relación mejorable. Protestante Digital. June 28th.
- P. de Felipe (2007). From the anti-mythology of Israel’s prophets to the rise of modern Western science. Poster presented at the congress New Frontiers in Science & Faith, organised by Christians in Science & The American Scientific Affiliation. August 3rd-5th. Edinburgh (Scotland, UK).
- P. de Felipe (2006). C.S. Lewis. H& D editores & Publicaciones Andamio. Madrid & Barcelona.
- P. de Felipe (2006). El código secreto de la Biblia y la cábala (partes I y II). Edificación Cristiana 223:9-11; 224:11-13.
- P. de Felipe (2003). ¡Dolly ha muerto! Kerigma 1:25, 26.
- P. de Felipe (2001). El De Revolutionibus de Copérnico: la gestación de un libro que cambió la ciencia y la teología. Historia para el debate 6:48-56.
- P. de Felipe (2000). Apuntes para el debate histórico de la cosmología bíblica. Alétheia 17:67-76.
- P. de Felipe (1999). Bases científicas de la clonación y cuestiones éticas. Alianza Evangélica Española. Barcelona.
- P. de Felipe (1999). De la cábala al ‘El código secreto de la Biblia’. CLIE. Terrassa, Barcelona.
- P. de Felipe (1998). El código secreto de la Biblia y la cábala (parts I & II). Cristianismo Protestante 6:33-40; 7:41-48.
- P. de Felipe (1998). Sobre “el debate de los orígenes”. Alétheia 14:62-64.
Scientific Publications (selection)
- C. Roulston, G. A. Luke, P. de Felipe, L. Ruan, J. Cope, J. Nicholson, A. Sukhodub, J. Tilsner & M. D. Ryan (2016). '2A-Like' Signal Sequences Mediating Translational Recoding: A Novel Form of Dual Protein Targeting. Traffic 17:923-39.
- Aiuti, G. Cossu, P. de Felipe, M. C. Galli, G. Narayanan, M. Renner, A. Stahlbom, C. K. Schneider & C. Voltz-Girolt. (2013). "The committee for advanced therapies' of the European Medicines Agency reflection paper on management of clinical risks deriving from insertional mutagenesis", Hum Gene Ther Clin Dev 24:47-54.
- V. Odon, G. A. Luke, C. Roulston, P. de Felipe, L. Ruan, H. Escuin-Ordinas, J. D. Brown, M. D. Ryan & A. Sukhodub (2013). "APE-type non-LTR retrotransposons of multicellular organisms encode virus-like 2A oligopeptide sequences, which mediate translational recoding during protein synthesis", Mol Biol Evol. 30:1955-65.
- C. Knox, G. Luke, J. Dewar, P. de Felipe & B. Williams (2012). Rotaviruses and emerging picornaviruses as aetiologic agents of acute gastroenteritis. Southern African Journal of Epidemiology and Infection 27:141-148.
- C. T. Walter, F. M. Pringle, R. Nakayinga, P. de Felipe, M. D. Ryan, L. A. Ball & R. A. Dorrington (2010). Genome organization and translation products of Providence virus: insight into a unique tetravirus. Journal of General Virology 91:2826-2835.
- P. de Felipe, G. A. Luke, J. D. Brown & M. D. Ryan (2010). Inhibition of 2A-mediated ‘cleavage’ of certain artificial polyproteins bearing N-terminal signal sequences. Biotechnology Journal 5:213-223.
- V. A. Doronina, C. Wu, P. de Felipe, M. S. Sachs, M. D. Ryan & J. D. Brown (2008). Site-specific release of nascent chains from ribosomes at a sense codon. Molecular and Cellular Biology 28:4227-4239.
- G. A. Luke, P. de Felipe, A. N. Lukashev, S. Kallioinen, E. A. Bruno & M. D. Ryan (2008). Occurrence, function, and evolutionary origins of ‘2A like’ sequences in virus genomes. Journal of General Virology 89: 1036-1042.
- G. M. Funston, S. E. Kallioinen, P. de Felipe, M. D. Ryan & R. D. Iggo (2008). Expression of heterologous genes in oncolytic adenoviruses using picornaviral 2A sequences that trigger ribosome skipping. Journal of General Virology 89:389-396.
- S.R. Heras, M.C. Thomas, M. García, P. de Felipe, J.-L. García-Pérez, M. D. Ryan & M. C. López (2006). L1Tc non-LTR retrotransposons from Trypanosoma cruzi contain a functional viral-like self-cleaving 2A sequence in frame with the active proteins they encode. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 63:1449-1460.
- P. de Felipe, G. A. Luke, L. E. Hughes, C. Halpin & M. D. Ryan (2006). E UNUM PLURIBUS: co-expression of multiple proteins from a single self-processing polyprotein. Trends in Biotechnology 24:68-75.
- P. de Felipe, L. E. Hughes, M. D. Ryan & J. D. Brown (2003). Co-translational, intra-ribosomal cleavage of polypeptides by the foot-and-mouth disease virus 2A peptide. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278:11441-11448.
- P. de Felipe & M. Izquierdo (2000). Tricistronic and tetracistronic retroviral vectors for gene transfer. Human Gene Therapy 11:1921-1931.
- M. L. Cortés, P. de Felipe, V. Martín, M. A. Hughes & M. Izquierdo (1998). Successful use of a plant gene in the treatment of cancer in vivo. Gene Therapy 5:1499-1507.
- M. Izquierdo, V. Martín, P. de Felipe, J. M. Izquierdo, A. Pérez-Higueras, M. Cortés, J. F. Paz, A. Isla & M. G. Blázquez (1996). Human malignant brain tumor response to herpes simplex thymidine kinase (HSVtk)/ganciclovir gene therapy. Gene Therapy 3:491-495.
Web page of the Centre for Science and Faith at SEUT Scool of Theology: www.cienciayfe.es
Contact: pablo.defelipe@cienciayfe.es